Sunday 20 October 2019

That's it!

So here we are back to Reading. I (Anna) miss the great time we spent this summer. I loved every single moment of it and would repeat the trip in its entirety! But it was Altai that stole my heart. It is incredibly diverse and beautiful. This is the place I miss the most. I wonder, however: will it be the same if I go there again? Will Altai be as great of a host as it was during our trip? I hope so, because I would really like to pay him another visit. I also miss Mongolia - that feeling of freedom that I have never felt anywhere else. All places that we visited had something special about them - something to cherish in our memories. And they all were very hospitable and showed us their best: Altai, Sayan, Baikal, Gobi, Sikhote-Alin. Did I miss anyone? Here's the map of our adventures and our fridge, which now hosts a doubled collection of magnets from Russian cities and towns.

