Wednesday 3 July 2019

July 3 Love Peak

We made it! Total distance from our “hotel” to the peak was 4.6 km each way. Height: 1.2 km. It took us 2 hours 45 minutes to go up and 2 hours 10 minutes to go down. We passed by several other hikers on the way up and no one passed us! We knew it was going to be steep and it was, but we made it! At the end of the walk, our legs started to refuse to cooperate. As we started to walk back, we met a local dog that apparently comes here often to greet tourists. It accompanied us for a while and then disappeared in the bushes. Upon return to the “hotel”, we had some relaxing time and worked hard on updating the blog.

The hotel might look nice, but at a closer look I would avoid it if I could...

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