Monday 5 August 2019

July 31 Dalnegorsk to Balyuzek

We started the day by driving to the shore at Rudnaya Pristan (mining harbour) - this is from where all mined minerals are shipped elsewhere. The whole area (including Dalnegorsk) are considered quite polluted, so we did not go for a swim there. In addition, the morning was quite chilly and foggy, not conducive of swimming in the sea. Instead we simply walked to two rocks in the sea, called Two Brothers, to take some photos. These rocks featured on an old banknote of 1000 roubles.

Then we drove to the Dubovaya Bay (бухта Дубовая). It involved some off-oading through the oak forest, but nothing major. As the road is quite challenging, the beach was rather empty. This is where I finally took a dip in the Japanese Sea (part of the Pacific Ocean). We also took some photos of quirky rocks in the water. 

Then we continued towards Balyuzek Lighthouse. My fantasy was to finally sleep in our car - somewhere on a deserted beach. Pablo was not at all convinced. As we arrived near the end point, we had a hard time to understand where to go. The road marked in the navigator was strange, but we decided to test it. Well, thankfully, there were a couple of tourist bases around, because we got stuck in the swamp right in the beginning of the path. There was a car passing on the “main” road who saw us and offered help, but their truck was too small to take us out of the swamp. I went for help to the tourist bases and thankfully, one had an excavator which rescued us. It was quite unnerving to see its wheels spinning in the mud, but it worked. Less than 5 minutes and we were out. Thankfully (yet again!), the tourist base had several rooms available and we spent a comfortable night preceded by a good dinner with seafood (we are at the seaside after all!) at the seaside with beautiful views on the sunset at the bay.

In the mud

Getting out of the mud

Enjoying the sunset

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