Monday 20 May 2019

May 16 Inegen

Today, we wanted to get out of the car and do some walking in the almost wild nature.

We drove through Inegen's Centralnaya Ulitsa (Central street). Although correct, we thought the name was slightly ambitious. We didn't take a picture of it, but you can see it in the video below. We drove until the end of the track (really, we can't call it a road...) were we got a great viewpoint over the Katun valley and the surrounding mountains. At this stage, we continued on foot following the Katun river footpath/bridleway that connects it to the next village about 60 kilometers to the West. 

We were lucky with the weather as we had a clear sky over our heads during the whole day, but we could see snow showers following us. It's hard to describe the beauty of the scenery, just check the pictures.

On our way back, we encountered a herd of horses that were afraid of us and decided to run ahead through the narrow footpath until we reached an open space where they were happy to let us pass. Not only horses were scared of us, but also cows. They pretended to be horses and galloped ahead of us full speed that we could not have imagined of cows. We see horses, cows, sheep, goats everywhere and they all belong to someone. We asked how owners look for them and we were told that they know all the places where to find their animals. It might sometimes take days or even months to find some individuals.

As we were driving back to our bungalow, we saw a local woman who was walking to the village and we gave her a lift. In the morning, she walked about 10 kilometers to see her sister and now she was walking back home.

When we arrived back to our bungalow we managed to take some pictures of demoiselle cranes that were foraging in the field.

Snow showers and blue skies
Driving through Inegen

A common kestrel

A wagtail, probably the most common bird we've seen during our trip so far.

Scared mare and foal running to join the rest of the herd ahead of us

Horses ahead of us

Demoiselle cranes

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