Tuesday 21 May 2019

May 19 Return from Koo back to Aktash

The day greeted us with sun and we almost felt like staying one more night here, but the lack of shower for 3 days was not something Anna could cope with (we'll see how she copes with the rest of the trip!). We also had some challenges with heating as the stove kept hot and we woke up in the middle of the night in a sauna.

So we set off to conquer the Katu-Yaryk one more time - now in a contrary direction. Again, the satnav predicted 8 hours, but we made it much faster as we didn't have a flat tyre. The trip went smooth and we had our lunch at the same cafe in Ulagan as two days ago. Thankfully, it was open and offered some food. As it was Sunday, the village felt deserted as families were spending their time home and probably only tourists would come to have lunch in a cafe.

As we were driving, we were glad we had seen this road under snow two days ago as it had provided quite a different perspective. First, it had looked very much different. Second and more important, it had shown how tough the life here is when it snows and strong cold winds blow. The weather today was much nicer and we would have had an incomplete understanding of this place.

As we arrived to Aktash, we were glad to find yet another bungalow with facilities, so we decided to stay here for two nights to continue with the blog, do some laundry and take it easy in general.

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