Tuesday 21 May 2019

May 20 Aktash

Today, we decided to relax and spend time on our blog as we were five(!) days late. In the morning, we had to visit a local garage to get our car tyre repaired. There are three places in Aktash that provide this service. One opened later than its stated opening hours and already had a queue of clients, one was still closed (and seemed to have never opened as we passed by it later), so went went to the third one. We then went shopping to restock our food supplies, quite depleted during the past couple of weeks.

Anna also wanted to have the car washed as the road from Koo to Aktash was very dusty and the car was no longer presentable to the public. Even worse, we were naive enough to have our windows open to breath some fresh mountain air and we ended up with plenty of dust inside the car. We learned that there was a car wash, but it was closed with unclear opening hours. We saw it open later at about 5pm, but the job was done by then. All this makes us think: we planned our trip and saved car repair shops on the road in our satnav, but it appears that we are at the complete mercy of their owners: they might decide to open their shop, or they might decide to take a day off....

As we arrived to our bungalow, Anna saw a local worker wash his car with a jet of water, so she asked him to give our car a water blast as well. He agreed and for 200 Roubles (about 2.5 GBP) we had our car presentable again. He also gave us a bucket, so Anna could wash the car interior. I was working on the photos and the blog in the meanwhile.

By the end of the day, we went to visit the Aktash geyser lake, which is a piece of wonder. It is a small geyser, which slowly but steadily moves the mud upwards creating different pictures on the surface. Although it is small and not as active as geysers in Iceland, it was still impressive.

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