Wednesday 26 June 2019

23-25 June Krasnoyarsk to Baikal and Tazheranskaya Steppe

Sunday, June 23, we left Krasnoyarsk. The second leg of our trip was over (Krasnoyarsk Krai, Tuva and Khakassia). Now Baikal, Buryatia and Mongolia are ahead. 

We drove 1350 km over 3 days from Krasnoyarsk to Khuzhir - the main village on Olkhon Island stopping overnight in Nizhneudinsk and Ust-Ornynskoye. It is worth mentioning that Olkhon Island was not on our itinerary. I knew that this was a super touristy place and in summer people would spend hours waiting for the ferry, so when I was planning the trip I decided skipping it. Now, when I knew the weather was promising to be bad and we would be visiting the island during weekdays, I figured out that there will be very few tourists and decided to come to Olkhon. So far, I believe this was the right decision - more in the next blog.

We had a quick visit to the Tazheranskaya Steppe to have our first sighting of Baikal and its bays and cliffs. Quite an impressive site. Then we took a ferry (we were two minutes late and had to wait for the next one…) and a terrible road to Khuzhir - the dash cam wire disconnected twice because the car was shaking so much!

For the first two days of our journey the weather was warm and sunny, but today, June 25, it turned terrible - cold and rain. As we arrived to Khuzhir, we were stopped by a policeman for document checks and a passing car gave him a small shower of dirty water from a puddle - a lesson not to stop people with no reason! As he learned that Pablo was Belgian, he was surprised that a Belgian would come to Russia and buy a UAZ Patriot. After I told him it was my car (purchased on my name), he was surprised that a person from Khabarovsk would not be driving a Toyota Land Cruiser (yes, most people from Khabarovsk and Vladivostok buy used Japanese cars).

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