Saturday 1 June 2019

30-31 May Multinsky Lakes to Barnaul

Our trip to Altai came to an end.

On May 30, we traveled back from the mountain in GAZ 66 (Shishiga) and then drove from Zamulta to Kamlak, where we stayed in the Berendeevka hotel, same as we did two weeks ago. The weather was again merciful to us and we saw the part of Chuyskiy Trakt, which we could not see two weeks ago because of snow. In Kamlak, we had a nice dinner and had relaxing time amongst singing birds and trees. That was the beginning of the end - the end of our trip to the Altai Republic.

May 31, we bid farewell to the Mountainous Altai - this is how the locals proudly call the Altai Republic. We are still in Altai - Altaysky Krai, but it is quite different from the Altai Republic: no mountains and very agricultural and industrial. It's got its own charm, but not as much character.

On the one hand, I (Anna) felt really sad to leave the Mountainous Altai. It was a wonderful host and revealed its gems to us in all their beauty. We always had good weather when we needed it most. When it rained or snowed, we were in a car and could easily handle the elements. When we had our outings, we always had sun accompanying us. We met wonderful people who told us about local culture and life. We went back to basics in houses with no basic facilities - something we no longer know. On the other hand, it's time to move on: we still have quite a big bit of Russia to explore. And by the way, now I started to believe that I indeed was in Russia!

So here we are in Barnaul to do the scheduled car maintenance: replace oil and check that everything is in order after our offroading experience. We still need to solve the tyre/wheel issue (see May 17), we will update you once this is resolved. Next stop is Kazakhstan, but only for a couple of days. We'll be continuing our Russian Road Trip soon.

Berendeevka hotel garden
Yet another suspension bridge over the Katun river near Manzherok

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