Saturday 22 June 2019

June 21 Stolby National Park

Krasnoyarsk boasts a national  park within the city limits. We took a chairlift at the Fun Park to go up the hills and then made our way around the park to leave at the other entrance. We saw a few rock formations on the road and collected 6 ticks in total on us (three each). This made my day and I remained shocked the rest of the evening and the following night. These small creatures can make my blood curdle! If you don't know why I am so scared of them, just google and you will know. Pablo and I had our encephalitis vaccination, but there are still things we'd better avoid ticks for. This was by far the largest tick harvest so far. We had 1 on the way to Iogach (Pablo), 1 in Pablo's socks in Chemal, 3 on Multinsky Lakes (Anna), and now 6 in Stolby (3-Anna and 3-Pablo). I am a clear winner so far...

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