Friday 21 June 2019

June 18 Ergaki

Today we had an early start for us and were out in the mountains at 8:30 am. It was a good move as we avoided the crowds that we saw going up on our way back. First, we went to the Rainbow Lake (озеро Радужное) to see the Sleeping Sayan and the Hanging Rock from below. Then we climbed 200m to come closer to the hanging rock to appreciate its quirkiness. This 150 ton giant hangs from the side of a mountain only touching it a tiny bit. The legend goes that the Sleeping Sayan was a common man who loved and protected the nature, so Gods appointed him to protect this area. When he died, Gods could not find a replacement and turned him into a stone to protect this land for ever. The Hanging Rock is the heart of Sayan, which left his body to feel what is happening around. When the rock falls, the Sayan will wake up to gather his heart from the Rainbow Lake and to further protect the borderline between the Kingdoms of the Live and Dead.

We went down the mountain from its other side and saw a partially frozen lake (we were told that the summer this year is particularly late). We did not go up other mountains as we still wanted to attempt going to the Stone Town, which we could not visit yesterday. Well, the Stone Town did not fancy our visit us this time either - the water in the river was too high to cross by car. Instead, I found ramson (wild garlic, черемша) in the nearby field to have it for dinner. My secret of finding it: the day before we saw a man here gathering ramson, so I simply followed his steps...

We then drove to Minusinsk, the town bordering Abakan, but in the Krasnoyarski Krai, unlike Abakan, which is in Khakassia. All cafes were closed (they close at 4pm) and we had an impression of a small sleeping town with no life whatsoever. This impression was changed the next day as we drove through the younger part of the town, which had much more life. The historic centre seems to have stayed in the past.

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